Tag: Universal God

Defeating Beliefs of the Jezebel Kind

Defeating Beliefs of the Jezebel Kind

“Woe to you who are in need of an advocate. Woe to you who stand in the need of grace. Blessed will they be who have spoken out and acquired grace for themselves. …Blessed is one who has seen oneself as a fourth one in heaven. …Do not let heaven’s kingdom become a desert within you.” ~ Jesus, The Secret Book of James As I enter into 2018, I must openly acknowledge within myself and to my future readers that The House of Jezebel is not solely a book about family dysfunction but also on religious indoctrination. (I’ve already covered this in my third podcast episode subtitled Writing & the Early…

Writing & Early Christian Church Truths

Writing & Early Christian Church Truths

Why aren’t Christians Jewish especially since Jesus is depicted as Jewish? Who was Jesus and did he have a wife or not? Should the Bible be taken literally, figuratively, or a little bit of both? You decide after you’ve heard my findings!!! In my third podcast – still entitled Writing Ain’t Easy… (Part III), I share research from multiple sources regarding the three main factions of the early Christian Church: Pauline Christians, Jewish Christians – not to be confused with today’s Messianic Jews, and Gnostic Christians. I also shared a few of my newfound beliefs as a result of shifting from a Pauline (or exoteric) to Gnostic/Mysticism (or esoteric) mindset. Since…

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