Tag: narcissism

The Backwardness of a Jezebel

The Backwardness of a Jezebel

Last week, Spirit reminded me of a common occurrence amongst the Jezebels I’ve encountered (in this lifetime). It seems that these Charismatic (Jezebel) types have their own set of misplaced priorities that they live by – even if they fail to see how such priorities – when carried out – tend to result in hurt, confusion, and/or chaos for those around them. In other words, their priorities are centered around doing for everyone else except for the people that are actually in their corner. This doesn’t mean that they always ignore those closest to them but their approach in doing so usually turns out a little a$$ backwards. Instead of asking…

How Not to Attract a Male Jezebel

How Not to Attract a Male Jezebel

Yes, Virginia, a man can have a Jezebel spirit. Many of us who were raised in a House of Jezebel experience, especially in cases when our caregivers were female Jezebels may wish to forget about our childhoods and just move on and into adulthood forgetting the past altogether. But unfortunately, it’s not always that simple. Unless you live in a monastery, you may soon find yourself prey to another type of Jezebel. Unfortunately, this one comes in the form of a love interest associated with the MALE JEZEBEL personality. If you are unsure of what one looks like, here is a sampling of 18 characteristics shared via a 2011 blog post…

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