Tag: religion

Defeating Beliefs of the Jezebel Kind

Defeating Beliefs of the Jezebel Kind

“Woe to you who are in need of an advocate. Woe to you who stand in the need of grace. Blessed will they be who have spoken out and acquired grace for themselves. …Blessed is one who has seen oneself as a fourth one in heaven. …Do not let heaven’s kingdom become a desert within you.” ~ Jesus, The Secret Book of James As I enter into 2018, I must openly acknowledge within myself and to my future readers that The House of Jezebel is not solely a book about family dysfunction but also on religious indoctrination. (I’ve already covered this in my third podcast episode subtitled Writing & the Early…

Does Religion Cause More Harm Than Good?

Does Religion Cause More Harm Than Good?

In the chapter entitled Am I Crazy? of my forthcoming book – The House of Jezebel: Fulfilling Destiny in Spite of Your Upbringing, I share the following memories of my religious [ithoughts_tooltip_glossary-glossary glossary-id=”227″]upbringing[/ithoughts_tooltip_glossary-glossary]. My Jezebel raised me according to the Southern Baptist doctrine. Highly active in the church, my earliest memory is reciting The Lord’s Prayer as my bedtime prayer along the blessing often recited before eating: “Thank you Lord for the food we are about to receive to nourish the body for Christ’s sake. Amen!” At our family church, my Jezebel served as the choir director, Sunday school teacher, and Vacation Bible Study coordinator, which meant we rarely missed church,…

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