Author: DrJaketha Farmer

A certified spiritual life coach, natural health consultant, energy healer and author of the forthcoming book - The House of Jezebel; Fulfilling Destiny in Spite of Your Upbringing, Dr. Jaketha knows a thing or two about overcoming challenges having spent over two-thirds of life either living in or trying to escape the matrix mindset as a result of being raised in the house of Jezebel. Traveling along with her as she continues to unravel this spiraling journey toward healing and restoration. Learn more about her everyday life experiences on her author site at
Writing & Early Christian Church Truths

Writing & Early Christian Church Truths

Why aren’t Christians Jewish especially since Jesus is depicted as Jewish? Who was Jesus and did he have a wife or not? Should the Bible be taken literally, figuratively, or a little bit of both? You decide after you’ve heard my findings!!! In my third podcast – still entitled Writing Ain’t Easy… (Part III), I share research from multiple sources regarding the three main factions of the early Christian Church: Pauline Christians, Jewish Christians – not to be confused with today’s Messianic Jews, and Gnostic Christians. I also shared a few of my newfound beliefs as a result of shifting from a Pauline (or exoteric) to Gnostic/Mysticism (or esoteric) mindset. Since…

Writing & The Path to Mysticism…

Writing & The Path to Mysticism…

 Prior to my spiritual awakenings, I’d say I was a diehard Christian fanatic. In my second podcast – still entitled Writing Ain’t Easy… (Part II), I shared how I moved from traditional Christianity into Mystical Christianity (or plain ole mysticism). Transpiring over the past 17 years, I underwent a *MAJOR* spiritual awakening that involved several “dark night of the soul” processes. When it was all said and done, I was ultimately forced to reexamine my own beliefs about everything. As a result, the writing of The House of Jezebel came to a screeching halt. Initially, the struggle centered around fear. I was afraid of repercussions via the spirit realm. Not…

Writing & the Spiritual Awakening Process…

Writing & the Spiritual Awakening Process…

The idea for The House of Jezebel was implanted in my heart in early 2004 but the process began much earlier. In my first podcast entitled Writing Ain’t Easy…, I shared why The House of Jezebel can no longer be deemed as a Christian themed book. Although I was raised in the Southern Baptist faith – attending Sunday School, singing in the choir, and participating in Vacation Bible School, all of that was more out of obligation. Even in college, I tried to strengthen my faith by engaging in various ways from volunteer work to ministerial training, but none of that made a real impact on my life. I still didn’t…

How Not to Attract a Male Jezebel

How Not to Attract a Male Jezebel

Yes, Virginia, a man can have a Jezebel spirit. Many of us who were raised in a House of Jezebel experience, especially in cases when our caregivers were female Jezebels may wish to forget about our childhoods and just move on and into adulthood forgetting the past altogether. But unfortunately, it’s not always that simple. Unless you live in a monastery, you may soon find yourself prey to another type of Jezebel. Unfortunately, this one comes in the form of a love interest associated with the MALE JEZEBEL personality. If you are unsure of what one looks like, here is a sampling of 18 characteristics shared via a 2011 blog post…

Death in My Mom’s “Horoscope”

Death in My Mom’s “Horoscope”

She had to die so you could live. – God Its been nearly 15 years since I heard those words dropped into my being and they still bring me chills. For the past several weeks, I’ve felt compelled to gather the natal (birth) charts for key family members that will be covered in The House of Jezebel regardless if they’re living or deceased. Well today, I began that search and I’m alarmed at the “coincidences” found in my mom’s chart. She was born on February 8, 1957 under the sun sign of Aquarius () and the moon sign of Cancer. Her turning point event happened around the age of 7 when…

Does Religion Cause More Harm Than Good?

Does Religion Cause More Harm Than Good?

In the chapter entitled Am I Crazy? of my forthcoming book – The House of Jezebel: Fulfilling Destiny in Spite of Your Upbringing, I share the following memories of my religious [ithoughts_tooltip_glossary-glossary glossary-id=”227″]upbringing[/ithoughts_tooltip_glossary-glossary]. My Jezebel raised me according to the Southern Baptist doctrine. Highly active in the church, my earliest memory is reciting The Lord’s Prayer as my bedtime prayer along the blessing often recited before eating: “Thank you Lord for the food we are about to receive to nourish the body for Christ’s sake. Amen!” At our family church, my Jezebel served as the choir director, Sunday school teacher, and Vacation Bible Study coordinator, which meant we rarely missed church,…

Spiritual Warfare in 3D

Spiritual Warfare in 3D

Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he had kept it open all these years. ~Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible In the early to mid-80s, well-to-do families in the American South possessed a home computer. My family was no exception as we owned the best-selling Commodore 64. As an only child, it was a saving grace over the long hot summers.  I’d spend hours playing games like Where in the USA… or Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? or my all-time favorite Dungeons of the Algebra Dragons. Its safe to say that I complex math was the only thing Algebra Dragons taught, I also learned…

Time to Get Busy Writing!

Time to Get Busy Writing!

If we wait until we are ready, you’ll be waiting the rest of our lives. ~Anonymous Challenging is an understatement as it relates to trying over the past 16 years to get this journey on paper. Therefore, in order to face my demons and bring The House of Jezebel into fruition by the end of this year (2016), I’ve decided to participate in next month’s Writing Nonfiction in November Challenge.  Stay tuned as I document my  progress here through journal entries, chapter excerpts, and more. Dr. Jaketha Farmer

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